Federally regulated employers: New paid medical leave requirements come into force in less than a month!
Protecting workplace investigations with legal privilege
Ontario introduces Bill 28, the Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022
« J’ai reçu une plainte d’intimidation et de harcèlement : que faire? » – Sept étapes que les employeurs canadiens peuvent suivre en cas de plainte
“I received a bullying and harassment complaint: now what?” – Seven practical steps for Canadian employers to respond to workplace complaints
Affirmative action programs in BC: When treating people equally means treating people differently
British Columbia Supreme Court: Unpaid leave following refusal to comply with mandatory vaccination policy is not constructive dismissal
Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation – Le 30 septembre est-il un jour férié que vous devez accorder à vos employés?
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Is September 30 a statutory holiday for your employees?
Un congé pour les funérailles de Sa Majesté la reine? Ce que les employeurs canadiens doivent savoir
A holiday for The Queen’s funeral? Here’s what Canadian employers need to know
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