Environmental, Social and Governance Factors: Does Failure to Consider ESG Issues Constitute a Breach of Fiduciary Duty?
U.S. employers targeted by lawsuits claiming excessive fees in employee retirement and savings plans: Could it happen in Canada?
How should employers deal with pensions in a severance package?
Supreme Court of Canada to Federally Regulated Employers: No “Without Cause” Dismissals Under Canada Labour Code
Sale of a Business is Not Constructive Dismissal
The Final Word? The Ontario Court of Appeal upholds an astounding 10 years of back pay and employee reinstatement
Critical employment issues facing multinational employers
Fixed Term Contracts: Damages for “trouble and inconvenience”
The Duty to Provide Reasonable Notice of Termination Cuts Both Ways
Court finds termination clause purporting to limit a 17-year employee’s termination notice to the 8 week statutory minimum to be “clear, express and unambiguous”
Ontario Retirement Pension Plan: a guide
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