How US federal cannabis legalization would affect US immigration laws
More Legislative Changes Coming with Bill 66
The More Things Change… Ford Government Rolls Back Bill 148
What happens to the pension when the pensioner disappears into thin air?
Going, Going, (Mostly) Gone: Ontario Conservative Government Announces Targeted Rollback of Bill 148 Amendments to the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Ontario Labour Relations Act
Union Certifications: What Employers Need to Know about Union Organizing
“Communications and conduct” of employer’s lawyer regarding sexual harassment investigation were not privileged, could be referred to in Claim, court decides
Will your workplace drug policies and procedures go up in smoke? Recreational marijuana becomes legalized in Canada in October 2018
ESA Update: Ontario Government to Temporarily Reinstate Pre-Bill 148 Public Holiday Pay Formula Effective July 1, 2018
Webinar: Employment and Labour law trends to watch for in 2018
Court Strikes Down Non-Compete Which Would Have Prevented Employee from Starting a Band in Mexico and Playing at a Staff Retreat in Cancun
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